Sunday Service 2024

Election by Grace Is God’s Prerogative

A lesson from the Apostle Paul, as someone who once rejected Christ, shows us that we should not ...

A lesson from the Apostle Paul, as someone who once rejected Christ, shows us that we should not get puffed up in our calling as gentiles.  God’s not done with the Jewish people, and we should not make the mistake of thinking we know who He’s going to save.  The picture of election by grace shows us that it’s God’s prerogative to choose. Romans 11. VF-2431.


Who Hath Believed Our Report?

'The prophet Isaiah foretold of Christ, but he also prophesied that there would be people who wou...

'The prophet Isaiah foretold of Christ, but he also prophesied that there would be people who would not be able to hear and receive the message.  The rejection of Christ by the Jews was part of that prophecy, as well as the grace extended to the gentiles who can hear His word.  God chooses who He will save, but those chosen should not be boastful or have a sense of entitlement.  We cannot know who God choses; our job is to keep trusting and looking to Him. Romans, Isaiah. VF-2430.


You’re Not Born to Desire God

A lot of churches today present the message of “special sinners” or a “special way of salvation” ...

A lot of churches today present the message of “special sinners” or a “special way of salvation” and neither one of those is biblical.  None of us are born to desire God, and none of us have “special sins.”  We’re all born with a dark heart.  We’re all sinners in need of salvation.  We cannot save ourselves, and we must recognize that salvation doesn’t come by doing good deeds, or hearing words from a minister that make us “feel good.”  It comes by hearing the words of faith. Romans 10. VF-2429.


A Remnant Shall Be Saved

In the book of Romans, Paul looks to the prophet Isaiah’s declaration about the children of Israe...

In the book of Romans, Paul looks to the prophet Isaiah’s declaration about the children of Israel and proclaims that a remnant shall be saved, but not all.  He addresses Jews that thought their salvation was automatic. They could not accept that Christ was the end of the law and that the gentiles could be saved without it.  God wants trust, not perfection and for that trust there is eternal salvation through Him. Romans 9. VF-2428.


God Will Have Mercy on Whom He Will

Why do some Jews still reject Christ?  God has the right to choose whom He will save, whom He wil...

Why do some Jews still reject Christ?  God has the right to choose whom He will save, whom He will show mercy, and whom He will reward.  He also has the right to choose whom He will not.  Don't assume you know which is which. Romans 9:15-26. VF-2427.
